(Illustration is not of actual event) On the morning of 28 September 2023, a recreational diver carrying out decompression stops died, almost certainly as a result of being struck by the rotating propeller of the UK registered diving support boat Karin. The missing diver’s body was found 3 weeks later following a seabed search conducted by a local survey vessel using side-scan sonar.

Tragic Incident Off the Coast of Orkney: Lessons from a Diver's Fatal Accident

A fatal accident occurred off the coast of Sussex involving a recreational diver and a dive support boat, "Karin." This tragic event has led to an investigation by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), underscoring critical safety concerns within the diving industry.

Madeira: Atlantic Island of Adventure

Atlantic chromis by the boiler at the wreck site of the steamship Forerunner at Badajeira

The Atlantic island of Madeira, located off the northwestern coast of Africa, is an oasis of rugged natural beauty both above and below the waves. With a rich cultural heritage and unique traditional cuisine, it has much to offer visitors. Brandi Mueller shares her adventure there.