Madeira: Europe’s Underrated Gem of Whale Watching

Sperm whale at the surface, off the coast of the Portuguese island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean

In some developing countries, dolphin and whale watching is not very common. In Madeira, the authorities, biologists and whale-watching operators are working together to promote conservation and research. They aim to ensure that visitors can continue to enjoy amazing encounters with these animals in the future. Daniel Brinckmann has the story.

Bumblebees Can Endure a Week Underwater While Sleeping
Bumblebees can endure a week underwater while sleeping.

Bumblebees Capable of Surviving Underwater for a Week

Scientists have made a fascinating discovery about the common eastern bumblebee, revealing that these insects can survive underwater for up to a week. This unusual capability is detailed in a study published in the Royal Society's Biology Letters, which suggests that bumblebees can enter a state of suspended animation when submerged, conserving oxygen and energy.