After hatching, baby green sea turtles in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument hit the water, swimming out to sea to live on their own for several years until they return to nearshore foraging grounds.

Best Practices During Sea Turtle Nesting Season

Various regions are home to species such as the green, leatherback, and loggerhead turtles. Due to their endangered or threatened statuses, these species are protected by law in most countries, which mandates specific conservation actions and monitoring.

Sea turtles face numerous threats, including habitat loss, human interference, and climate changes, jeopardising their survival and reproductive success.

The use of AI to decode sperm whale communication marks a significant step forward in our understanding of animal cognition and social structures.
The use of AI to decode sperm whale communication marks a significant step forward in our understanding of animal cognition and social structures.

Decoding Sperm Whale Language

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence have provided researchers with unprecedented insights into the communication patterns of sperm whales, suggesting a sophisticated language system among these majestic marine mammals. 

A new study published in Nature Communications reveals that sperm whales may possess a highly structured form of communication and sheds light on the cognitive abilities of sperm whales, suggesting a level of social complexity previously attributed primarily to humans and some primates.

Nine countries have signed the Global Declaration for River Dolphins, a significant step towards global wildlife conservation.
Amazon River dolphin or pink river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis). Nine countries have signed the Global Declaration for River Dolphins, a significant step towards global wildlife conservation.

Global Declaration for River Dolphins

Established in November, this initiative marks a concerted effort to protect some of the most vulnerable dolphin species inhabiting the world’s rivers, many of which are on the brink of extinction.

The Global Declaration for River Dolphins was signed by nine countries, including Brazil, Colombia, and India, all home to river systems where these endangered species are found. This agreement is pivotal as it represents the first international commitment explicitly focusing on the conservation of river dolphins, which face habitat degradation, pollution, and fishing threats.