Male Humpback Whales encounter
Male humpback whale encounter. (Photo: Lyle Krannichfeld and Brandi Romano/granted by source)

Surprising Sexual Encounter Seen in Humpback Whales

Lyle Krannichfeld and Brandi Romano observed two whales circling near their boat before joining in sexual activity about five metres below their vessel, off the Molokini crater near Maui. They were able to photograph them, providing an unprecedented glimpse into the intimate lives of these marine giants. Dr. Stephanie H. Stack, marine mammal researcher in Hawaii, published the observations in a study.

Epaulette Sharks of Papua New Guinea

Papuan epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium hallstromi), Loloata Island, Papua New Guinea. Found in a shallow area of seagrass, it was very different from either of its cousins, with its beautiful orange/tan torso and bold black polka dots.

Having photographed most of the sharks and rays that can be seen on scuba around the world, Andy Murch is doggedly pursuing the remaining few. Recently, his elasmobranch obsession took him to Papua New Guinea, where he hoped to find three endemic species of epaulette sharks.

Cookiecutter shark preserved
Cookiecutter shark preserved

Cookiecutter Shark Bites: Moonless Nights are Risky

Steven Minaglia, a faculty member from the University of Hawaiʻi with a passion for channel swimming has published a study that sheds light on the rare interactions between cookiecutter sharks (Isistius brasiliensis) and humans. Minaglia is an associate professor of obstetrics, gynaecology, and women’s health at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, and reveals how environmental factors can elevate the chances of being bitten.