Tom Haight's portrait of a megamouth shark
The sixth megamouth shark, found off California

The Mysterious Megamouth Shark

It was not until eight years later, in November 1984, that another one was found in a deep-sea net off California. It too was a male 4.5 metres in length. The third, also male, was a metre longer and washed up on the shore of Australia, on August 18, 1988. In the following years, megamouth sharks appeared more frequently in a variety of places around the globe.

Standard Diving Equipment Collection To Be Auctioned

The sale will take place on Wednesday 15th June 2016 at St Edmund's Court, Okehampton Street, Exeter, Devon, England, EX4 1DU.

This collection is well known to historic diving societies and collectors around the world. The collection comprises many examples of diving helmets, pumps, suits, knives and accessories from makers such as Siebe Gorman, Heinke, Draeger, Morse, Schrader and may others.

Tiger shark dance
Enjoying the 'shark ballet'

The Value of Shark Dives

So shark dive clubs usually bring some fishy scraps—in most cases the remains left over after big fish have been cut up for sale. The scent attracts the sharks into view and provides a bit of excitement as the animals investigate and try to get a piece. But little actual food or nourishment is given. The sharks circle far and wide through the vast volume of the visible ocean, in a memorable and dramatic display, as they look over the scene, zoom in for a closer look, try for a scrap, and socialize.

HMS Hampshire. The shipwreck is rumoured to have been carrying a fortune in gold bullion

WW1 cruiser HMS Hampshire to be surveyed in 3D

The 10,850-ton armoured cruiser HMS Hampshire departed Scapa Flow in Orkney on 5 June 1916 on a voyage around the north cape of Norway to the port of Archangel in northern Russia. She was carrying Lord Kitchener, the Secretary of State for War, and his staff to Russia to discuss mutual war aims and strategy.