My Favorite Wide-Angle Dive: Contributors' Picks

North Atlantic humpback whale calf. Photo by Matthew Meier
North Atlantic humpback whale calf, Silver Bank, Dominican Republic. Photo by Matthew Meier

We asked our contributors what their favorite wide-angle dive was and they came back with stories and photos from some of the most unique and exhilarating dive sites on earth, many of them relaying interactions with large marine life from Steller sea lions in Kamchatka and giant manta rays in Komodo to tiger sharks in the Bahamas and humpback whales in the Dominican Republic.


I first reported on 'Bracenet' in February 2019, because it was the only environmental bracelet I had come across up to that date, that has clear provenance. How it is made, and where the profits go!

A figment of our imagination

Dying coral reefs saved by automation

Healthy coral reefs provide food and a home to about 25% of all the world’s marine creatures, sustain an estimated 6 million fishermen, provide coastal protection by reducing the impact of waves and support local tourist economies. But corals worldwide are under threat. Mass bleaching is rapidly threatening the world’s coral reefs, with an estimated 50% already lost and 90% projected by mid-century.