
Environmentalists demand end to manatee interaction

The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has filed a Notice of Intent to Sue the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to end the popular swim-with programs by disallowing people to swim within 10 feet of the manatees. In addition, it recommends the expansion of no-human access areas and to designate the entire Kings Bay, Three Sisters Springs and Homosassa Springs as critical manatee habitats.

These proposals do not sit well with some people.

Marine-mammal rescue facility in Florida heading for foreclosure

The all-volunteer MMC spearheaded several rescue efforts of dolphins and small whales that drew international news coverage over the past 20 years, most recently after a 2011 mass stranding of pilot whales in the Lower Keys.

Legal advertisements published in The Reporter this month say the former MMC property will be sold at public auction at 11 a.m. Jan. 8 on the front steps of the Monroe County courthouse on Key West's Whitehead Street.

Staghorn coral found off South Florida

Forests of rare staghorn coral discovered off South Florida

A scientist from Nova Southeastern University's Oceanographic Center found the coral while doing a survey for the environmental agency, which wanted a better map of shallow reef system.

The department of environmental protection wanted a better map of the coral's locations to improve the management of beach-widening, coastal development and other activities that could harm corals, as well as improve responses to incidents such as oil spills and illegal boat anchoring.

Fighter jets become Florida's newest artificial reef

Before they were sunk into the Gulf of Mexico, the jets were gutted and attached to concrete anchors. Both jets were slowly lifted from the barge and briefly floated on top of the Gulf before they headed toward the ocean floor.

The two planes are now about 74 feet underwater and about 3 nautical miles from the M.B. Miller county pier. Divers expect fish to start coming to check it out any day.

Florida's Artificial Reefs

Oriskany, the aircraft carrier sunk off Pensacola

Miles of white sandy beaches, family vacation destinations, infamous spring break festivities and outstanding state parks attract millions of visitors to Florida annually from around the world. But there is so much more to see—especially for those who like to take their sightseeing down below the ocean and gulf waters—like the beauty and magic of thousands of artificial reefs that lie beneath the surface along Florida’s coastlines.

Common Lionfish

Proposed bill to ban lionfish sales in Florida

Tallahassee lawmakers are joining spear-wielding divers in an attempt to control Florida’s ever-increasing lionfish numbers. If passed, the two proposed bills would halt the public’s ability to purchase lionfish for aquariums and raising them for sale would become a level two felony.

“What the bill is going to do is prohibit the importation and sale of them,” said Sen. Greg Evers, R-Baker, who introduced the Senate version of the bill. “All of the details of the bill have not been decided. I’m saying let’s get rid of them. Put an end to lionfish in aquariums.”

All of the details of the bill have not been decided. I’m saying let’s get rid of them. Put an end to lionfish in aquariums.

—Sen. Greg Ever

Goliath grouper spawning divers’ delight

For best viewing of the massive numbers, head to Jupiter on the eastern coast of Florida. Groupers travel from as far away as Fort Myers and northeast Florida for the spawning events on wrecks and reefs. The window of opportunity to dive with these large fish in these high numbers is quite small. Most of the fish are gone by mid-October, but some remain year round. Goliath groupers can reach up to 800 pounds and were nearly fished out in the 1970s and 80’s, but have made a strong comeback under a protection ban that was established in 1990.

Lionfish are an invasive species taking over coral reefs and preying on native fish in the Atlantic Ocean’s waters
Lionfish are an invasive species taking over coral reefs and preying on native fish in the Atlantic Ocean’s waters

Most lionfish too deep for divers to reach

Lionfish, which have spines that contain venom, are a well-known problem in Atlantic coral reefs. These invaders from the tropical parts of the Pacific and Indian oceans have no natural predators in the Atlantic Ocean. They are eradicating many fish populations in the shallow reefs that they have overtaken. Recently, the overwhelming problem has proven worse than originally thought.

Wes Skiles' cause of death is being listed as an accidental drowning.
Wes Skiles' cause of death is being listed as an accidental drowning.

Wes Skiles' death remains a mystery

Skiles died while on a dive off Boynton Beach, Florida, on July 21, 2010. He signalled to the other divers that he was ascending because he was out of film (although not technically shooting "film" in this digital age)

His body was found on the reef, shortly after that. Attempts to revive him were unsuccessful and he was subsequently pronounced dead at a local hospital.

In 1985, Skiles founded Karst Productions and continued his underwater film career.

Reliquary found at Santa Margarita Shipwreck
Reliquary found at Santa Margarita Shipwreck

Significant Artifact Discovered on Santa Margarita Shipwreck

Captain Dan Porter and dive partner Bobby Hartwell were working at a depth of about 20 feet, in an area where Porter and his crew had already uncovered 17th century ceramic pieces, a musket ball, and a scattering of large ballast stones. Weather conditions had deteriorated throughout the day and by afternoon “were so rough that the current was running straight up the boat’s stern and had exerted enough force to break the vessels bow line,” said Porter.