
Fighter jets become Florida's newest artificial reef

Fighter jets become Florida's newest artificial reef

On June 26, 2014 two Voodoo F101 Fighter Jets became artificial reefs off the coast of Panama City Beach, FL. The McDonnell F-101 Voodoo was a supersonic jet fighter which saw extensive service during the Vietnam War.

Before they were sunk into the Gulf of Mexico, the jets were gutted and attached to concrete anchors. Both jets were slowly lifted from the barge and briefly floated on top of the Gulf before they headed toward the ocean floor.

The two planes are now about 74 feet underwater and about 3 nautical miles from the M.B. Miller county pier. Divers expect fish to start coming to check it out any day.

The retired F101 Voodoo fighter jets had been displayed at a downtown marina and a local college but had to be moved because of construction at both spots. "Instead of scrapping them, we were able to use them as reefs," said Bay County Commissioner Bill Dozier

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