
TDI SDI Announces New UK and Ireland Regional Office

TDI SDI Announces New UK and Ireland Regional Office

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It has been announced by TDI SDI that from 21st July 2014, Sea & Sea Limited will become the UK and Ireland regional office.

Sea & Sea is a leading diving equipment distributor and has been in the dive industry some 35 years.

David Millin, Managing Director of Sea & Sea stated, “TDI is a legendary agency that UK divers and instructors have trusted for years to provide top notch training and quality materials. Sea & Sea is excited to be part of the continuing history”.

Brian Carney, President of International Training, acknowledged that the UK diving scene has an interesting history when it comes to TDI. The late Rob Palmer, a much respected cave explorer and a leading light in the fledgling technical diving community, helped set up TDI twenty years ago.

Stephen Phillips, who has managed the UK region for close to 10 years, will remain as a regional manager for the Maltese Islands. Using his experience and knowledge of technical diving and region management, Stephen is looking forward to the challenges of Malta. Stephen Phillips stated, “there is a strong British presence on Malta and there is a lot of opportunity for not only existing SDI TDI members but for other agency instructors as well.”

Mark Powell, TDI Instructor Trainer and member of the Global Training Advisory Panel stated, “Stephen has done a great job in the UK and I look forward to working with him in Malta. I am excited about Sea and Sea picking up the important role of running the region office. They will bring the resources and facilities that we need to support TDI and SDI’s growth in the UK and Ireland."

UK members can email or call Sea and Sea on 01803 663 012.

Fact file

Sea & Sea is a leading diving equipment distributor and has been in the dive industry some 35 years.


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