Photo & Video

Dealing with Floods

Photo by Larry Cohen
If you work underwater long enough, at some point, you will experience the horror of a flood.

Flooding a camera and other underwater photo gear is a nightmare for all underwater image-makers. Unfortunately, if you work underwater long enough, at some point, you will experience the horror of a flood. Over the years, I have flooded a Nikonos V, a film camera, a housing, several strobes and some dive lights. I have also had minor floods on a few digital camera housings.

DPG/Wetpixel Masters Underwater Imaging Competition 2022 Announced

This long-established and widely respected contest celebrates the splendor of the oceans and the challenging art of underwater photography and video.

The organizers call on underwater shooters of all levels, from novice to professional, to compete in what has become the “World Championship” of international underwater imagery events.

Contributors' Picks: Bold & Beautiful

Risbecia tryoni nudibranch
Photo by Matthew Meier: Risbecia tryoni nudibranch moving over a pink sponge, Puerto Galera, Philippines. Gear: Nikon D810 camera, Nikon 105mm macro lens, Subal housing, two Sea&Sea YS-250 strobes with snoots. Exposure: ISO 200, f/18, 1/250s

Many marine creatures have defensive mechanisms—they may sting, have venom, sharp spines, warning colors, or bite. We asked our contributors what their favorite underwater photos of these bold and beautiful critters were, and they came back with a variety of subjects like colorful nudibranchs, cnidarians that sting, scorpionfish with sharp spines, sharks and even crocodiles with sharp teeth.