Photo & Video

Isotta dive mask

The Isotta transparent dive mask has been specifically designed for photo shoots with underwater models. It features a large, retro-style, single-lens design, which makes it easier for underwater photographers to get enhanced or highlighted eyes and facial features of underwater models.

Betrayed Again — Ode to Olympus

The author's Olympus OMD E-M1 Mark II camera. For underwater photography, Cohen uses this camera with an Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-200mm f/3.5-6.3 lens, housed in an Aquatica housing.

On 24 June 2020, I woke up to the news that after 84 years, Olympus was selling off its camera division. As an underwater photographer and long-time user of Olympus camera gear, my feelings were that of betrayal, again. Here is some history on my experience with Olympus, and my thoughts about the future.

Mike Ball Announces Photo Competition Winner for 2019/20

Photo Credit: Tanya Piejus

It was a close competition and as always a difficult one to judge but Tanya’s image captured the essence typifying the experience encountered on our minke expeditions.

Mike Ball Dive Expeditions run expeditions to the Coral Sea and the far northern Great Barrier Reef between Cairns and the Cape York peninsula.