Grace Marquez Portfolio

Circling, acrylic on canvas, 1.2 x 1.5m, by Grace Marquez
Circling, acrylic on canvas, 1.2 x 1.5m, by Grace Marquez

Artist and technical diver Grace Marquez, who is based in Canada, creates dynamic paintings of sublime underwater scenes, with a keen eye for how to capture on canvas what it is like to dive on wrecks, reefs and in caves and caverns. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to learn more about her creative process and how technical diving has influenced her artwork and perspectives.

Researchers found Muusoctopus nursery grounds on a low-temperature hydrothermal vent off the shore of Costa Rica. The octopuses hang on to the rocks in inverted positions in order to protect their eggs.

Octopus nursery discovered in Costa Rica

The team, aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute's research vessel Falkor, located the nursery nearly 2,800 meters below the ocean's surface. The expedition's footage, captured by the underwater robot ROV SuBastian, showcased breathtaking marine life, including octopus hatchlings, tripod fish, and vibrant coral gardens.

Through RNA editing, the cephalopods appear to have found a unique way of tweaking their own physiology to adapt to environmental temperature changes

Octopuses Adjust to Cold by Editing Their RNA

A recent study has unveiled a fascinating aspect of octopus biology: their ability to adapt to cold ocean temperatures by making precise edits to their RNA. 

RNA editing is a molecular process through which cells can modify nucleotide sequences in RNA, resulting in proteins that differ from those directly encoded by DNA. This ability is particularly enhanced in octopuses, who use it to fine-tune the functions of their nervous system at low temperatures.