Juvenille dusky shark
Juvenille dusky shark

Sharks pups survive on 'super livers'

While using the liver as an energy store and for buoyancy is well documented in adult sharks, this study provides the first evidence of a decline in liver mass of newborn sharks, from 20% of body weight at birth to 6% when they start to feed themselves.

Research by a Bangor University-led international team found that during the critical period after birth, shark pups lose weight by consuming their liver reserves. This weight loss is not necessarily an indicaton that the sharks are in a poor nutritional state, as has been previously thought.

Whale curry

Asian Lunch, which says it sells 1,000-1,500 lunch boxes daily in Tokyo's business districts, will offer the meat once a week, starting Thursday with a South Asian-style keema curry. "I hope many young women will want to have it as it's healthy with high protein and low fat. It's also rich in iron," company spokeswoman Yuka Yamaguchi said. The firm is also hoping to attract young men who have never tasted the meat before, she said, adding that 600 servings had been prepared for its debut at a cost of 650 to 700 yen (6 to 6.5 dollars).