Philippine Airlines (PAL) says it has stopped flying shark fin cargoes

Philippine Airlines (PAL) says it has stopped flying shark fin cargoes, joining a number of other Asia-Pacific carriers in taking a stand for marine conservation.

The fins are used in shark fin soup, a much-valued delicacy in Hong Kong and China.

Conservationists say booming demand for such fins has put pressure on the world's shark populations, prompting calls for measures to restrict their trade.

Jet lag, also called jet lag disorder, is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones.

The science of jet lag... and how best to beat it

"If you're going to be a member of the Jet Set and fly off to Katmandu for coffee with King Mahendra," wrote Horace Sutton in the Los Angeles Times, "you can count on contracting Jet Lag, a debility not unakin to a hangover. Jet Lag derives from the simple fact that jets travel so fast they leave your body rhythms behind."

UK airports initiate new security checks

Passengers flying into and out of the UK may be subject to increased in-depth security checks. Security in UK airports has been increased after potential terrorists believed to originate from within Syria and Yemen. With the worldwide summer holiday rush underway, passengers are urged to comply with the restrictions to curtail delays. Passengers leaving or entering the UK, USA, Middle East and Africa are more likely to experience the heightened security measures.