Tiger shark
CoP14 increases protection

COP14 Conference Concludes with Stronger Measures for Migratory Species Conservation

The conference commenced with the unveiling of the inaugural UN report on the State of the World’s Migratory Species. The report highlighted a concerning trend, revealing that 44% of the billions of animals undertaking migratory journeys across various terrains are experiencing a decline in their populations. Colmán Ó Críodáin, Head of Policy at WWF Wildlife Practice, emphasized the critical role migration plays in sustaining the planet's ecosystems and underscored the urgent need for enhanced conservation efforts.

Malaysia International Dive Expo Returns to Kuala Lumpur in June

Since its inception in 2006, MIDE has remained a cornerstone annual gathering, pivotal in fostering and fortifying the global dive community and associated businesses. Garnering international recognition as an important event, MIDE has drawn over 250,000 attendees in its 17-year history, cementing its status as a premier fixture in the diving industry.

The SS Nemesis disappeared during an intense storm in July 1904 as it was transporting coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Australia.
The SS Nemesis disappeared during an intense storm in July 1904 as it was transporting coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Australia.

SS Nemesis Wreck Uncovered: Solving a 120-Year Maritime Mystery

The discovery, which resolved over a century of mystery surrounding the ship's location, occurred during a standard environmental survey.

The SS Nemesis, constructed in 1873, was a cargo steamer that encountered its premature demise during a ferocious storm in 1901. Since that time, the wreck's position had remained an enigmatic puzzle, baffling historians and the crew's descendants alike. Its unveiling not only concludes a historical narrative but also heralds a new chapter in Australia's extensive maritime legacy.