Study identifies key loggerhead turtle foraging grounds

After tracking female loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean, scientists at University of Exeter discovered that they feed at the same locations every year.

Specifically, these were in the Adriatic region, Tunisian Plateau and the eastern Mediterranean. Unfortunately, some of these locations are not ideal, and lead the loggerheads into danger.

Ansti Test Systems sold to James Fisher

James Fisher (JFD) now owns the business, and all intellectual property rights and assets of Ansti Test Systems. It is not known at this time what implication this will have for the recreational diving industry.

Ansti manufacturer test systems display the performance of breathing apparatus under test, in real time. It can be configured for any diving equipment and life support systems, hence a number of dive manufacturers and dive centres use Ansti machines on a daily basis, to test to British, European or Worldwide standards and regulations.

The decomposing green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) was found tangled in fishing line and snared on a fishing hook off Eleuthera in The Bahamas

Haunting image of plastic-wrapped turtle carcass wins top prize

Anita had been leading a dive in the Bahamas at a site called the 'Sea Garden', when she discovered the carcass of a green sea turtle with a hook protruding from its decomposing tongue.

Images like this can become warnings for the future. Shane Gross

The animal had obviously been trapped in situ for a significant period of time, and had drowned.