The different types of amphorae found in the wreck. The top two are the Almagro 51c type while the bottom ones are (from left) the flat-bottom and the Ses Fontanelles I.

New Type of Amphora Found in Roman Shipwreck

The ship, called Ses Fontanelles, sank off the coast of Mallorca, Spain, and was discovered in 2019. It had travelled from Cartagena in southeastern Spain and was carrying various goods stored in amphorae when it sank.

New type

Among the cargo, archaeologists found a new type of amphora, larger and heavier than the others, which was used for transporting plant oil. This type was named Ses Fontanelles I, after the ship. The amphorae were found in the ship's centre and stern, while smaller containers were located near the bow and sides.

A spear squid.
A spear squid.

Birthdate Determines Mating Strategy for Spear Squid

Scientists from the University of Tokyo have discovered that a male spear squid’s birthday is not just a date—rather, it determines their mating strategy for the rest of their lives. 

According to their study, spear squid that are born early in the mating season (between early April and mid-July) grow to formidable sizes. Called “consorts“, they actively fight off any rivals in order to mate and then stick close to their mate as she lays her eggs. 

Juvenile Great White Shark
Juvenile Great White Shark (Elias Levy, CC BY 2.0)

Juvenile Great White Sharks Prefer Shallow Water

The groundbreaking study delved into the drivers behind how juvenile white sharks move. Using special tracking technology that listens to the sharks and tracks their positions, the team of scientists, led by Emily Spurgeon, gathered detailed information about how the varying temperatures of the layers of the sea affect their travels.