Olga Nikitina Portfolio

Red Fish in the Red Sea, by Olga Nikitina. Oil on canvas, 25 x 20cm
Red Fish in the Red Sea, by Olga Nikitina. Oil on canvas, 25 x 20cm

Russian artist Olga Nikitina is an underwater painter with a degree in interior design and a dive instructor at the Egyptian Red Sea who creates brilliant and beautiful impressionistic paintings capturing the sublime light and textures of coral reefs and the dynamic energy of marine life. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to learn more about her creative process and perspectives on art and life underwater.

Cave Diving: The Final Frontier...

Cave diver in Cenote Tak Be Luum near Tulum, Mexico
Cave diver in Cenote Tak Be Luum near Tulum, Mexico. Photo by Daniel Millikovsky

When one thinks about cave diving, the feelings are mixed and it is very difficult to express what it feels like in a single word, but perhaps a possible description is “to live the discovery.” Discovery is an experience and an intrinsic need in human beings since before the discovery of fire.