Juvenile tiger shark
Juvenile tiger shark

Populations of tiger sharks in Atlantic and Indo-Pacific found to have evolved separately

Researchers have discovered that the tiger sharks in the Atlantic are genetically different from the ones in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, according to a study published in the Journal of Heredity on 10 August 2021.

According to co-author Professor Mahmood Shivji, director of the Save Our Seas' Shark Research Centre, the two populations had not intermingled to reproduce for a long time. “This long-term separation between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific tiger sharks has resulted in them developing into separate populations, each with its own unique genetic diversity.”

Bailout CCR Course Standards Outlined

Diver wearing a sidemounted bailout rebreather
Diver wearing a sidemounted bailout rebreather

Rebreathers are great pieces of kit that do away with the need to carry an excessive amount of dive cylinders on deeper dives. However, this advantage is offset by the need to also carry additional open circuit cylinders on which a diver can bail out in case of a rebreather malfunction. Using another rebreather could be a better solution and to that end, a bailout rebreather course has been developed.

A New Approach: Shooting Common Subjects in Different Ways

Surgeonfish, Red Sea, photo by Rico Besserdich
Abstract macro: Surgeonfish, Red Sea, by Rico Besserdich. Gear: Canon 40D camera, Canon EF-S 60mm macro lens, Ikelite housing, two Sea&Sea YS110 alpha strobes. Exposure: ISO 200, f/8, 1/90s

If you have been diving the same area with your camera for a long time, shooting the same animals and scenes again and again, sooner or later the question “What more is there?” might arise in your creative mind. It starts as a mild breeze and can end up a storm.