United Kingdom

Study identifies key loggerhead turtle foraging grounds

After tracking female loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean, scientists at University of Exeter discovered that they feed at the same locations every year.

Specifically, these were in the Adriatic region, Tunisian Plateau and the eastern Mediterranean. Unfortunately, some of these locations are not ideal, and lead the loggerheads into danger.

Ansti Test Systems sold to James Fisher

James Fisher (JFD) now owns the business, and all intellectual property rights and assets of Ansti Test Systems. It is not known at this time what implication this will have for the recreational diving industry.

Ansti manufacturer test systems display the performance of breathing apparatus under test, in real time. It can be configured for any diving equipment and life support systems, hence a number of dive manufacturers and dive centres use Ansti machines on a daily basis, to test to British, European or Worldwide standards and regulations.

Record numbers of marine mammals, like bottlenose dolphins, have been recorded in the United Kingdom.

UK sees record sightings of whales, dolphins and seals

The Wildlife Trusts, which comprises 46 individual wildlife trusts around the country, reports record numbers of more than 800 sightings of whales, dolphins and seals in the waters of the United Kingdom in 2019.

Its Yorkshire project reported hundreds of individual sightings by trained citizen scientists. Among these were a pod of bottlenose dolphins making their way from Scotland to Flamborough Head in East Yorkshire-the farthest south they had been officially identified.

Thomas Cook's collapse leaves 150,000 stranded abroad.
Thomas Cook's collapse leaves 150,000 stranded abroad.

Blue O Two issues Thomas Cook Group statement

The British company specialises in liveaboard and resort-based scuba diving holidays and had bought flights from the World's oldest travel agent.

"Thomas Cook Group has been placed into administration.

Unfortunately, Blue O Two has a substantial number of customers affected by the collapse of the group, which includes Thomas Cook Airlines. Thomas Cook Airlines were due to be the supplier of the flight segment of travel on a large proportion of upcoming liveaboard holidays to the Red Sea.

Alan King

A tribute to Alan King

Alan was a friendly colleague who loved being outside and talking to anyone. As a child, he developed the skill of always finding something of common interest to discuss with anyone he met, and he carried this through into his adult life. Alan was able to strike up a conversation about anything with anyone. Alan learned to scuba dive in 1970 when he joined the Leicester Underwater Exploration Club. Two years later, he became a commercial diver—a high-risk career in the early '70s—with his "office" primarily being the North Sea exploration rigs.

Underwater photographer Alex Mustard to receive an MBE

The Queen’s Birthday Honours List recognises a wide range of extraordinary people across the United Kingdom. The awardees are acknowledged for their distinguished work and achievements in a specific field, in this instance "the Arts, Music and Dance".

Alex Mustard will receive his MBE or Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire medal in the next few months.

It's an incredible happy shock and I am delighted

It has therefore been fascinating watching Mustard's career flourish. He has won a number of awards including the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

In 2003 he received the Visions In the Sea Award for Outstanding Contributions to Underwater Photography. Ten years later, in 2013, Alex was named the GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year for his image Night Moves. The only time an underwater photograph has won this prestigious award. In 2016 he was given the ADEX 2016 Award for Extraordinary Contribution to Underwater Photography.

Eastenders, mass balloon release, Tony Hall, BBC Director General, environmental littering, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Mag, X-Ray Magazine, scuba diving mag
Eastenders release balloons into the sky three days after the BBC's Director General states the Corporation will tackle waste and harm created by single-use plastic

BBC's spectacular 'single-use plastic' own goal

The BBC has just invested several million pounds and four years of filming Blue Planet II. Its key and primary message is to educate the world that our oceans are overwhelmed with plastic pollution. And the message is getting through. The series is having a positive impact.

It seems however that not everyone within the Corporation has read Tony Hall's memo and got the 'Blue Planet' message. Or perhaps the artistic whims of the BBC producers have put their egos before the environment.

Pressure play, David Haigh, James Stagg, D-Day, Normandy Landings, weather forecast, General Eisenhower, Malcolm Sinclair, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Magazine, X-Ray Mag, scuba diving news
Dr James Stagg briefs the Allied commanders (Image: Cambridge Arts Theatre)

'Pressure' - A different view of the D-Day Landings

The way our weather twists and turns can catch out even the most experienced meteorologist, as Michael Fish found out to his cost, following his infamous broadcast on Thursday 15 October 1987.

He stated "Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way... well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't!"

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The Play

Operation Overlord, June 5th 1944. All the factors have been accounted for, apart from the weather. 350,000 lives depend on the most important forecast of the 20th century. 

Thursday 1 - Saturday 10 February 2018: Arts Theatre, Cambridge

Tuesday 13 - Saturday 17 February 2018: King's Theatre, Edinburgh

Tuesday 20 - Saturday 24 February 2018: Theatre Royal, Newcastle upon Tyne