
HMS Hood was the last battlecruiser built for the Royal Navy.

Bell from WW2 battleship HMS Hood recovered

The bell was successfully recovered the 7th of August. Mr. Allen's team led the operation using his yacht M/Y Octopus, which is equipped with a state-of-the-art remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Once restored, the bell will respectfully serve as a tangible and fitting memorial for the 1,415 lives lost when the Bismarck sunk the ship in the North Atlantic.

South Georgia

South Georgia is the most well-known of the Falkland Islands, also called Islas Malvinas. It lies nearly at the end of the world in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. To find this place on the map, draw an equilateral triangle with one vertex on Cape Horn and another on the Antarctic Peninsula. The third vertex in the east is our destination.

The Venus flytrap sea anemone (Actinoscyphia aurelia) is a large sea anemone that superficially resembles a Venus flytrap. It closes its tentacles to capture prey or to protect itself. It is a deep ocean species.
The Venus flytrap sea anemone (Actinoscyphia aurelia) is a large sea anemone that superficially resembles a Venus flytrap. It closes its tentacles to capture prey or to protect itself. It is a deep ocean species.

Ancient Deep-Sea Coral Reefs Serve as Underwater ‘Islands’ in the Gulf Stream

“We discovered that a number of animals thought to be rare are common around the corals, documented many animals outside of their previously known ranges, and discovered species new to science,” NOAA zoologist Martha Nizinski said.

Basking shark off Cornwall, UK
Basking shark off Cornwall, UK

Basking sharks trek across Atlantic

Giant basking sharks like to take tropical vacations too.

Previously thought to inhabit only temperate waters, a new study, just published in Current Biology, shows that the giant sharks make long, make vast migrations to deep, warm-water hideouts. Before the annual winter disappearance, scientists tagged 25 basking sharks off New England with floating, timed-release satellite transmitters, which showed that, like humans, the giant basking sharks like to take tropical vacations too.