
Behavioural Complexity of Sharks

Illustration of two shark companions travelling together that encounter the researcher. Image source: Ila France Porcher.

Recent scientific efforts have begun to unravel the complexities of shark behaviour, challenging age-old perceptions, and revealing a world of intelligence and sophistication hidden beneath the waves. Ila France Porcher reports.

Sawfish/Georgia Aquarium CC BY-SA 3.0

Mysterious Sawfish Strandings Baffle Scientists in the Florida Keys

Sawfish, recognized for their distinctive long, narrow, flattened rostrum lined with teeth resembling a saw, are among the largest fish species. Often referred to as the “living fossils” of the ocean, they have long been shrouded in mystery due to their elusive nature and unique appearance. 

Equalising Ears: Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation

Diagram showing how the balloon is inserted and expanded inside the Eustachian tube. Photo: @ Spiggle & Theis Medizintechnik / CC BY 4.0 DEED

It can be devastating to your diving career if you are unable to equalise or have a lot of trouble doing so. The underlying cause may be a narrow Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the pharynx. Fortunately, this can be treated. Peter Symes reports.

Over 100 Potentially New Species Discovered in Chilean Seamounts Expedition

The Schmidt Ocean Institute-sponsored venture delved into the depths of the Nazca and Salas y Gómez Ridge, both within and outside Chile’s jurisdiction, revealing a rich tapestry of marine life, including deep-sea corals, glass sponges, sea urchins, amphipods, squat lobsters, and numerous other species that could be novel to science.

Tiger shark
CoP14 increases protection

COP14 Conference Concludes with Stronger Measures for Migratory Species Conservation

The conference commenced with the unveiling of the inaugural UN report on the State of the World’s Migratory Species. The report highlighted a concerning trend, revealing that 44% of the billions of animals undertaking migratory journeys across various terrains are experiencing a decline in their populations. Colmán Ó Críodáin, Head of Policy at WWF Wildlife Practice, emphasized the critical role migration plays in sustaining the planet's ecosystems and underscored the urgent need for enhanced conservation efforts.

Malaysia International Dive Expo Returns to Kuala Lumpur in June

Since its inception in 2006, MIDE has remained a cornerstone annual gathering, pivotal in fostering and fortifying the global dive community and associated businesses. Garnering international recognition as an important event, MIDE has drawn over 250,000 attendees in its 17-year history, cementing its status as a premier fixture in the diving industry.

Master Liveaboards Announces New Boat for Indonesia

Indo Master is a traditional phinisi style liveaboard, built from teak and ironwood. Launched in 2022, she is the very definition of a modern Indonesian phinisi.

Indo Master offers 9 cabins for a maximum of 18 guests. Below decks there are 4 traditional Classic cabins, with a choice of twin or double layouts. There is also a larger Premium cabin with two double beds for those who prefer to spread out on their trips.

The SS Nemesis disappeared during an intense storm in July 1904 as it was transporting coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Australia.
The SS Nemesis disappeared during an intense storm in July 1904 as it was transporting coal from Newcastle to Melbourne, Australia.

SS Nemesis Wreck Uncovered: Solving a 120-Year Maritime Mystery

The discovery, which resolved over a century of mystery surrounding the ship's location, occurred during a standard environmental survey.

The SS Nemesis, constructed in 1873, was a cargo steamer that encountered its premature demise during a ferocious storm in 1901. Since that time, the wreck's position had remained an enigmatic puzzle, baffling historians and the crew's descendants alike. Its unveiling not only concludes a historical narrative but also heralds a new chapter in Australia's extensive maritime legacy.

The SS Arlington
The SS Arlington, which sunk, along with its captain, during a wreck in 1940, was found on the floor of Lake Superior.

Wreck in Lake Superior Identified as the Arlington

After finding a particularly deep anomaly in his search for shipwrecks in Lake Superior, shipwreck researcher Dan Fountain reached out to the Shipwreck Society to help identify it. This resulted in an expedition in 2023 that culminated in the positive identification of the anomaly being the SS Arlington, which sank in 1940.

Here is its story.

The hawksbill sea turtle's elongated, tapered head ends in a beak-like mouth—from which its common name is derived.

Hawksbill Sea Turtles in the Indian Ocean Rely on Deep, Remote Habitats

Recent studies have employed sophisticated satellite tracking technology to follow hawksbill sea turtles to their most frequented feeding grounds in the Indian Ocean. These advances have allowed researchers to gain unprecedented insights into the turtles' precise movements and behaviours at depths previously unobserved.