Upcoming events and expos

Screening of "50 Hours Underwater" at MIDE in Kuala Lumpur

Providing a rare glimpse into the mysterious underwater world, the documentary features captivating stories untold, vibrant visuals, and thought-provoking themes that speak of resilience, triumph and societal issues.

In celebrating the incredible diversity and complexity of the underwater world, along with its numerous characters and issues, the documentary aims to ignite conversations and foster better understanding of, and appreciation for, the deep blue.

Diving Talks 2024

Whether you are a diving professional looking to expand your network, an enthusiast seeking to deepen your knowledge, or an industry leader wanting to stay updated on the latest trends, Diving Talks promises to be an event that will leave a lasting impact.

Picture this

Renowned speakers, interactive panel discussions, and hands-on workshops that will blow your mind! We're talking about everything from marine conservation to mind-blowing underwater photography and technical diving!

Beneath the Sea update

Together with the Beneath the Sea’s team of Directors and volunteers, they create a weekend of excitement, education, special events, and parties to celebrate the underwater arts, education, and science. Throughout this dynamic weekend, Beneath the Sea presents to the interested and involved public information illustrating the sea changes of our times, an update for all members of our ocean community.

Party with DAN at DEMA Show 2023

You are cordially invited to join the DAN team and your dive industry colleagues at The Sugar Mill (just across the street from the convention center) from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14. 

We’ll raise a glass to you — and all who help divers safely explore our underwater world. From food to music, there will be plenty of local flavor, so come ready for a taste of New Orleans. 

We have posted images from the event in our event report so here are some depicting the ambience in Lisbon

Diving Talks 2023: An Oceanic Adventure Awaits in Lisbon

Diving Talks is not your typical dive event; it goes beyond the surface, emphasizing camaraderie and social connections among attendees. The 2022 report on X-Ray Mag showcased the event's unique celebration of the wonders of the underwater realm while fostering lasting friendships.

Limited tickets available for Explorers Club event in London

The Explorers Club (Great Britain and Ireland Chapter) are launching an exciting collaboration with their new partners, Cabal Rum. The aim is to promote the scientific exploration of land, sea, air, and space by supporting research and education in the physical, natural and biological sciences. 

As we head into a new era of change we are excited to be launching events and lectures over the next 12 months - with names from all disciplines of exploration. EC GB&IC